I'm thinking I'll put a comic type of thing here every once in a while and occasionally write about some other things. We'll see.

To Do:

Here are some short term goals that I will try to work on:

  • Create a better style for the site.
  • Add info about past projects and make web-compatible versions of the good ones.
  • Reorganize the sections of the site and add sub-options in the navigation bar.
  • Redesign homepage to give overview of other sections of the site.


Saturday, January 3, 2016

Nearly everybody has heard of the game tic-tac-toe. You know, that classic pen-and-paper game consisting of X's and O's on a 3x3 grid that people only ever play when they've reached a sufficient level of boredom. Admittedly, tic-tac-toe is an extremely dull game. A naive observer might note that there are 9!, or 9*8*7*.. = 362880, different possible games of tic-tac-toe, but when you think about the symmetry of the board (for instance, starting a game in any corner space is the same as starting in any of the other corners) you can easily conclude that the real number of games is much less. In fact, there are 31896 possible games according to this site. Well.. that's still a reasonably high number. You might even suggest that tic-tac-toe-ers can have hours of fun and still never play all of these 31896 games, then you'd only be half right. It's true that a pair of decently skilled players would never complete much of these possible games in normal playthroughs. Due to the nature of the game, however, they certainly won't be having the time of their lives playing for so long. The players will end up making many of the same playing choices and will nearly always end their game in a draw. In fact, games of tic-tac-toe played between two perfect players will ALWAYS end a draw. Just try to beat a perfect computer in a game of tic-tac-toe. Go ahead, try. You can play here, I'll wait for you.... See, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Who would want to play a game like this? Luckily, there exists a much better version of tic-tic-toe, one I've come to call Tic-Tac-Toe-Ception.

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