Audio Visualizer

A simple audio visualizer for youtube videos. Made in inspiration after taking Coursera's Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps course.

Searching for Something New

A friend and I made this short film for a school film festival that we entered on a whim. We aren't professional film makers or even film majors, yet we ended up winning a trip to California where we had the opportunity to attend multiple film-related workshops and meet many influential people in the film business. It goes to show you never can tell what experiences you miss out on when you neglect an opportunity to try something new.

This short film tells the story of Tyler during his first semester at college, all told through his Google searches. Tyler starts his journey at home where all he can think about is going off to college the next fall. He realizes he still has questions about his roommate and the types of items he should bring, so he searches for advice online. With help from the information he finds from Google, he finishes his packing and prepares to leave for school...

The Way Things Flow

Another short film a friend and I made which won Best Story at a school film festival. The film is about how simple decisions can lead to big consequences.